Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welcome Arlene Alen!

Neighbor to Neighbor is proud to welcome Arlene Alen as the new Executive Director! Arlene comes from a diverse background in the private sector including film and marketing.

Arlene also works with Horses with HEART as well as Meals on Wheels. She will be a wonderful asset to the Neighbor to Neighbor team and we're lucky to have her!

1 comment:

  1. ALL entries on the WEB are outdated. The place of business is listed on Yavapai Rd. Haven't been there for years. None of the office volunteers listed are on-board, apparently. Who is on the Board? Who is the office Director/Supervisor? Why isn't Neighbor-to-Neighbor more visible in the community? Are any mailings going out? Flyers posted? Any low cost fund raisers planned? Attended a great one at Methodist Church a few years back. It is a vitally needed program for so many. Watched them grow from the 90s and was, then, so proud. Hear more grumbling that praise these days.


Become a Community Liaison

We are currently seeking active volunteers with Neighbor to Neighbor for our new Community Liaison program.

This program is designed to create a communications link between Neighbor to Neighbor and the community through faith communities and service organizations.

If you are already a volunteer and are interested in joining us in this role please call the office at 928.775.6145!